
Preguard UV+HEV+IR

Slow the effects of premature aging in and around the eyes!

Radiation from the sun consists of 5-7% UV, 39-42% visible light, and 54% IR- which is heat. IR rays increase dehydration in the skin and eyes, contribute to eye fatigue, and can damage collagen around the eyes resulting in premature or worsening wrinkles around the eyes. Additionally, this heat may contribute to retinal or lens damage, which can lead to cataracts and AMD. While sunglasses may help, we often find ourselves outdoors without sunglasses. Similarly, sitting at a computer or monitor for long periods of time on a daily basis can have a detrimental effect in and around the eyes. With 3 times the protection of other lenses, Preguard provides complete protection from all the sun’s damaging rays, LED lights, digital screens, and more! Available only in our advanced chromatic-aberration-free polycarbonate, give your patients the ultimate protection.

  • Reduces eye strain and fatigue
  • Reduces heat felt in and around the eyes
  • Inhibits skin aging
  • Reduces risk of cataracts & AMD
  • Helps prevent wrinkles around the eyes
  • More comfortable vision overall
  • Maximum protection in and around the eyes!

Lens Specs:

  • Polycarbonate
  • Specific gravity: 1.20
  • Abbe Value: 31

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