Solidar DRS
Invisible Digital Bifocal Ideal for Close-Up Tasks
Exceptional Distance Vision, Superb Near Vision, Virtually Invisible! Solidar’s Digital Bifocal is the perfect solution for anyone who needs to focus on close-up tasks while maintaining a wide field of distant vision. It’s ideal for the fisherman tying a lure, bicyclists, photographers, a variety of office workers, and anyone that reads for long periods of time. It’s available as prescription clear lenses and sunglasses in a wide array of treatments and coatings, including Polarized, Photochromics, 420-IR, and our exclusive Mirror Collection.
The Solidar DRS provides high definition, distortion-free performance for both near and far vision and is virtually invisible because it’s on the backside of the lens.
• Outstanding field of view for distance vision
• Available in all Lens Materials
• Up to Add 5.00
• Near Vision Segment: 28 mm and 35 mm
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